Catanzaro's story begins in 1986, when Marrakech only had a few restaurants. After many stays in Europe, Geneviève and Jawad Amrani had the idea of opening a small family restaurant with pizza as their main specialty.
Very quickly, Catanzaro became the weekend family meeting place and a popular address for business meals during the week. Over the years, the small restaurant grew to accommodate an ever more loyal clientele.
After more than 35 years of uninterrupted activity, Geneviève and Jawad have since spent the torch to their son Mehdi to continue writing the beautiful story of Catanzaro.
Historical customers come for their Madeleine de Proust, tourists for a change from Moroccan cuisine and every day new customers push the door to eat authentic family cuisine in a warm atmosphere.
3 adjectives define Catanzaro's cuisine: fresh, simple and generous.
One of the rules that has prevailed since the first menu created in 1986 by the owners: only offer dishes that you like to eat!
The result is a generous and diverse family cuisine with essentially Italian flavours but which leaves room for dishes from other horizons. There is something for every taste !